The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


I’ll put SR Purple ahead of a QSA violet fuse. Took a while to break in, but this is the best fuse I’ve heard and I’m not paying 7x the price for a QSA red.

@cd45123...Can you please elaborate why?

Orange was good for more clarity- Purple seems to expand upon this clarity and detail with a greater openness to the midband, more musical, more 3D, it’s like music has a greater flow. Sounds more open to my ears than the QSA Violet. That’s just me.

cd45123, this is just the type of information I want to glean from this particular thread. Experiences from someone that has compared the QSA Light Violet (or other purple) to the SR Purp.

The SR Purp seems like it has a very good cost/performance ratio. I owe you man, for spending your hard earned money and valuable time and effort. The beer and or wine are on me. Way to shine...

Let me be clear, there’s nothing wrong with the QSA Light Violet, QSA Red or the special order QSA Red/Black, if you want it and can afford it, nothing at all.

So if anyone has tried the QSA Light Violet, QSA Red or the special order QSA Red/Black fuses, I’d love to here about it. I just can’t afford them.

And maybe on a QSA thread as I have a bad habit of high jacking the original post. That’s if the moderator hasn’t taken all the QSA fuse threads down...

Post removed 

Does CD even have a QSA Violet fuse to A/B or is he a 🤥?

Strange fire.

glory, I’m pretty sure sooner or later someone else will chime in here about that very issue of the QSA Light Violet fuse vs the SR Purp.

millercarbon posted about the QSA Light Violet fuse and said it was so good it was ’insane’. And I have no reason to doubt him. And we know how he feels about Ted’s stuff.

In fact, I suspect that the QSA Light Violet fuse may have been one of the reasons Ted is now selling the SR Purp?

As I have no reason to doubt the others here that rated the SR Orange vs the SR Purp.

I have 6 yellow and 1 red QSA fuses.


I will get 2 SR purple fuses and A/B with the QSA yellow and the red.