Looking for thoughts on Sonus Faber speakers

Looking for a smooth natural midrange and high end...particularly regarding the human voice.  I enjoy detail...but don't like an analytical sound.  I think most tweeters today are fatiguing.   I enjoy the overall presentation of Harbeths...but want more low end.  I have had one audition of the Sonetto V's and was impressed...but what else might I consider?  


Greg S.




Yes. In the beginning for me, I remembered amplified concerts and "good stereos" in college early ’70s). These had me recreating some shrill and often overly detailed sound. While great, it optimized one genera over all others (I was on an electronic kick for a long time). It wasn’t until I started going to the symphony a couple time a month and acoustical jazz that I realized I was chasing trizzle and overly highlighted details. This changed my course to Audio Research and Sonus Faber... all music types have gotten better with each step.


When young, enthusiasm and effort propelled me, but in retrospect, experience trumps it. My systems now sound many times better than they ever have.


Sonus Faber, old or new has the sound of real music with the appropriate components. While old, I think, helped make up for common solid state shortcomings, the new play well with good quality components of either camp.


Well I've auditioned the KEF R11's and they were pretty impressive. Not bright. Big soundstage.  An enjoyable listen.  But I'm returning to my Sonus Faber dealer for another listening session. In the end I think the Sonetto V will win the day.  Only because I'm focused on natural smooth and an enticing sound a can listen to for hours. But I must admit the KEF's were more appealing than I would have suspected.  I could easily live with their sound if I had not heard the warmth of the Sonus Fabers. But I need to listen critically again. The KEF's on sale are a pretty good value. No discount offered yet on SF. Any more thoughts?  I welcome them. 

I don't know where you live - the dealer I have worked with in Dallas sells a lot of Sonetto Vs.  He's very willing to trade them in because of their popularity - consider asking the dealer if they have any trade-ins available or coming up to get a discount.