Subwoofer cable question

I want to run a Rel sub from my integrated amps "pre out" and the sub has only 1 "low level" and  the "lfe" input. Do I need an adapter from stereo to mono or do the low level and lfe inputs on the sub act together as left and right input?


Since 99% of bass guitar or drums is above true sub frequencies no worries.

By all means you should feed both channels summed to the subwoofers.

After that it does not matter.

OK a kettle drum, and a double bass, how is that...:-)

I understand SUB means below the threashold of normal hearing and goes to the FEELING senses. But 40 hz and up I can hear and feel and up to 250hz. It is still bass.

From 80 to 300 is VERY directional.. The exact reason I split hairs and cabinets. Subs are subs. Midbass is midbass and everything else above that is in it’s own enclosure too and for a good reason, vibration and timing.

You cannot put BASS and mids and highs in the same cabinet without digital correction.. I quit that silly idea 25 years ago, because distortion and cabinet resonance issues. BASS cabinets are different than mid cabints that are different than a Highs cabinet.. They even use different dampening materials (stuffing) and cabinet material are treated with different products.

Rubber line is best for resonance while LOW RES is best for dapening..

It’s funny when you make speaker you understand speakers, I thought the mechanics of it were pretty easy to understand.. I guess not for everybody..:-)

My set up looks a little weird, but bring one bring ALL your Mics and measure, it will blow your mind the super low distortion and clarity of sound.. Under 5% distortion 25 years ago when I went from bottom firing subs, and inner tube decoupling all the bass enclosures.

I got a new one coming up first one in 10 years. First standmount I’ve done.. Planars and Ribbons. Maybe by spring... How long did it take Noah to build the boat fellas? Just askin’


With any REL being used in a 2 channel system, the best results are with the supplied REL neutrix cable. This allows the subwoofer to receive & mirror exactly the same signal that the speakers are getting. This allows the REL subwoofer to  blend perfectly with the main speakers. The RCA's are for 5.1 or greater home theater use allowing the LFE channel to be mixed more accurately with movie use. The end result is achieve the perfect 2 channel playback without  sacrificing LFE playback for movies. At the end of the REL cable, there 3 leads & depending on the type of amp, there are a couple of configurations. I would strongly suggest contacting REL customer support for the right configuration. I have sold RELs and currently own 3 vintage ones on 3 different systems & they are connected differently per REL's recomendation.

I want to run a Rel sub from my integrated amps "pre out" and the sub has only 1 "low level" and the "lfe" input. Do I need an adapter from stereo to mono or do the low level and lfe inputs on the sub act together as left and right input?

My suggestion is connect the left and right pre-out from your integrated amplifier to the input of a stereo to mono converter, and connect one of the mono output from the stereo to mono converter to the low level input on the subwoofer.

The LFE input on the subwoofer bypassed the internal low pass crossover, it is only useful for AVR/processor LFE or low-pass sub-out connection and not suitable for integrated amplifier’s pre-out.

I hope this answers your questions.


IF you ran all your subs off just the right channel do you think all of the bass track on the source recording will be reproduced?

Below 80 Hz, yes. The recording studio examples you are talking about is different. Drums, bass, etc have lots of output above 80Hz. This higher frequency output is what determines stereo L and R and gives us imaging. Below 80Hz simply does not do that. It is not a question of how it was recorded. That doesn’t even enter into it. Because the waves are so long, when playing back it no longer matters.

The proof of that is while you can hear a difference in the recording studio you cannot with just the subs at home. I have run them every which way just to prove this to myself. Also a lot of subs that have L and R channel inputs, if you look at the circuit diagram they are summed inside. L and R are there for convience.

Can’t say as I blame them. If the cost is an extra irrelevant RCA connector vs answering this same question a hundred times a day till the heat death of the universe I would throw in the RCA too.

Thus, clearly, the device above is useless, unnecessary, superfluous, and ill-advised.