Quantum Science Audio Thread

This is a thread for those who wish to discuss Quantum Science Audio products of all types.

Some of you folks may have fused speakers like my ARs. Have any of you used QSA fuses for your speakers? Curious about your results.

Also, have any of you QSA fuse users had a fuse blow?


Anyone else besides myself and millercarbon tried the QSA stones? What about the outlets, has anyone tried those?

I have the Red outlet. 400 hours to break in. Good results but the fuses are killer.


I have active Manger S1 speakers and they take two fuses each. TG only had two Yellow fuses on hand and I installed one on each speaker last night. Very huge SQ increase. May now go 4 Red.


Which outlet did you change to red? Have you tried a fuse for a dedicated line?