PC for Gryphon Diablo 300

Since this appears to be a popular amp I'm wondering what everyone is using for the power cord.
I have heard that gryphon products tend to sound best with gryphon cables. 
I have also heard that their amps sound good even with stock PCs

I am looking at AQ Dragon 20a 2meter as I'm fond of this cord and think it would be a nice match. Thoughts?
yea it's priced very aggressively. I'll probably look to the used market. Thanks for the input

I am also using a powercell 12 uef se with HC Galileo power cord.

so this may power into that opposed to direct into wall

@questforhifi - The Gryphon Diablo does not have a 20 amp socket, so why the AQ 20 amp cable?

Take a look at the Zevfino range of cables - they would suit the Gryphon amp very well.

Regards - Steve