Magico A5 or Sonus faber SERAFINO TRADITION or Harbeth 40.3 XD

Looking at upgrading my speakers and I have no in home demo options.

I am looking at spending up to 25K.

Magico, Sonus faber, Harbeth are in the running.

I listen to  beatles, Dead, CSNY, Eagles.

I have a Mcintosh MC462, MC22 and a just ordered Berkeley Alpha Dac 3.  

I was leaning toward the Harbeth or SF but just read a great review on the MAgico A5.

Still working on buying a streamer to feed the system.

Looking for some thoughts.


Ag insider logo xs@2xefoo

based on the their looks:

SF > 10

Magico > 6

Harbeth > 2

I'd never know how they sound, my budget is a 10th of their list price

Try to listen to Verity Audio at that price point. Incredible holographic image and you can really tune them with amp selection. Lots of great options mentioned here.

 Sonus Faber  Nova 5's in my system are wonderful,  SERAFINO TRADITION = OMG WOW