Don't get it, why anyone would ask others "what sounds best"?

As a relative new comer I still continue to wonder why 'audiophiles' continue to ask for opinions on what sounds best. Best sounding amps, best sounding speakers, best sounding cables, and on and on. Everyone has their own opinion, why don't you people put on your ears and listen for yourself and decide what sounds best to you?
Very dangerous question... 'what sound best'.
My 75 year old sister in law has been listening to AM radio since she was born and to her that is the benchmark of sound.  Anything over 5 kHz is verboten.
Oh yes, she prefers the bass turned up quite a bit also.

My favorite is when someone asks what is the best speaker? There is no mention of room size,supporting equipment. Is this a dedicated listening room,or will your wife make you jam the speakers up against a wall and keep them 24” apart?  But folks will still tell you what’s best! 
I always read up on others opinions to glean from their experience. It helps to avoid "buyers remorse". Works for me.
I get a kick out of posts that demand precise definitive answers to matters that are highly dependent on individual taste.

With me, though, I'm fine with everybody just blabbing away. Maybe an opinion will move me one direction or another. Maybe a post will give me a chuckle. Maybe I'll gain some wisdom from the din. There are a lot of smart contributors here.

Yeah, scientists & engineers create the products we're obsessed with at this website, but the science & engineering are ultimately simply an objective means toward a subjective end. What are the odds that a particular gizmo will send me down the road toward my personal nirvana?  Do I possess the lucre to give that particular gizmo a shot?