Need some information about DSD over HDMI

I'm not sure whether this is a really dumb or really complicated question, but I'm hoping there's an answer. I have a Cambridge Audio CXU universal player which I really like, but which doesn't support I2S. Instead, it outputs DSD directly over HDMI, but very few DACS accept this protocol. In fact, the only one I know of is Bryston's highly respected BDA3. My current DAC is an AMR DP-777 which I also really like but it's old enough that neither of these protocols are supported. My SACDs end up being internally converted to PCM by the CXU player, and output over analog connections, so the external DAC is bypassed entirely. Okay, pretty standard stuff so far, I think. However, I have lately been very tempted to try out one of the newer R2R ladder DACs from Audio-gd or Denafrips, which DO support I2S. So my question is: does any kind of adapter exist that can convert the DSD data on my SACDs to I2S format so that one of the aforementioned DACs can accept it? Thanks for helping me out with this. 
If you check with the manufacturer I think that there is a way to find out how the HDMI is wired internally to the contacts. That must be done the same way as the receiving Dac that accepts I2S. Some manufacturers use a proprietary contact scheme that is not universal to other DACs, therfore the "handshake" between the two devices creates an error. (If known which wires go to which pin on the hdmi you can wire your own hdmi cable). I successfully did it one time with an ethernet connection using cat6e cable I had lying around and it worked!

I have mentioned before in other threads that there needs to be a standard protocol for players and receivers that have I2S to all use the same wiring protocol so that all devices that have an HDMI/I2S input-output can talk to each other. 
Why not just by the Bryston?  I bought it precisely for this reason and then sold off my Mytek Manhattan 
"You can wire your own."
Wrong. I can barely write any more.
Yes there is a market for HDMI/i2s adapters, it's just not a big enough market for any entrepreneurs to help us. 
You’re on your own.
"There needs to be"
Not as long as manufacturers want to keep sales in house. PS Audio pretty much invented it and it iS the most copied protocol.
I have found very few problems going i2s into their DACs.