Member Make Zero Sense

Me not want to point finger up at member but just suggest that maybe behavior better suit for keeping to one self and not on forum. This guy keep going on most of time he communicate with self for 5 post at time with no other interaction. What if I only read so many total word before I die? Maybe I be dead already from this guy going on and on. If I could rub Jeannie and ask wish it be to read forum without seeing this member post. This may be not enough hint but I try not to be mean on forum because I tell he good guy just not guy I take out on Viking go fish. I pro freedom and don’t want sensor but if I need buy this site and pay guy to create user block option for me that what I do.
Part this thread bring tear to my eye it so expressive. To some that feel walk over I say nothing impossible in precious life. You dream big and develop passion. Proper dream create fire in belly drive and hunger to learn and make change if need. It start in gym early in morning taking care yourself because you need self to care other. Learn love and train mind to focus. enough preach.
Sorry I be off my thread. I come home fishing the other night and workout. My wife come home after be away for few days and catch me flexing pecks in gym listen to Maggie’s. She traipse artist at luxury top flight circus and she come home with manly need and we just surface after 1 day and 1/2. She in pool and on phone plan costume party next week. I listen to rockport in living room and maid give me support to stretch my pull groin. Breaking speaker in nice with new Rels.
“She traipse artist at luxury top flight circus and she come home with manly need and we just surface after 1 day and 1/2.”

Just when I thought this post was done.   Lmao.    
Part this thread make one eye wet. Take big fire do maid after surface soon like that. She traipse too or pommel horse?