unkonw WILSON speaker

hello, anyone knows wicht WILSON speaker this is and what was the price when it was new?

I noticed a "WA" logo on the filter. The seller does not claim it's a WILSON. Never saw any other speaker with this shape, except WILSON of course. If it a WILSON indeed, the seller does not even know.

Seller remains vague about the exact brand and type. Does not reply to questions. No detailed photos of name plates either. So it seems like a Wilson lookalike.
Why did you say that it was a Wilson Dalek? Were you just kidding? I had never heard of that model but I thought I had just missed it somewhere along the line. 
OP: You might try sending the pictures to Wilson. Try emailing:

( jasonbourne52: The Daleks are android space creatures from the British children's sci-fi show "Dr. Who".)