I agree with Keef

The Stones are in town(LA) for 2 nights.

With so many things now being now deemed "inappropriate" these days, I suppose this isn't a surprise?

Brown Sugar is part of the Stones "permanent set list".  

Please dont assume Im a member of a particular political party, I just happen to be honest rather than revisionist. The three fifths compromise, as EVERYONE who bothers to read objectively must recognize, was the result of contentious debate. How can objective people view the debate from either side as anything but systemically racist? One side argued that slaves should be counted as people if counting for represatation in the house, HOWEVER, that same group didnt want them counted as people for the purpose of taxation. The other side were in opposition in both cases. They were “people” if it benefitted their “owners” or “property” if it benefitted their “owners”. I dont believe this is in dispute by either of us is it?

I dont assign any noble points to either side of the debate who voted for that “compromise”. It was immoral then and it is immoral now. Why are we arguing that America fell short of its ideals for centuries. We suck less today than we did then when it comes to racial equity. 

I never voted for Mr. Clinton, Mrs. Clinton, Senator Fulbright nor Senator Byrd. Not quite sure why you inserted them into the conversation. As far as the idealized version of the America you communicate, I do very much hope we live up to those ideals someday. Recent voter suppression legislation doesnt give me much hope but I do still have high hopes. Peace.
Systemic racism refers to largely unintentional racist outcomes it's not that America has racist laws, though it's had some, its about systemic issues that end of having racist outcomes.
By self-sensoring, the Stones have let cancel culture win. How? Because the catalyst for the self-censorship IS the cancel culture. They’ve been playing the song for about 50 years, and all of a sudden they had an epiphany? Baloney! They caved due to uninformed criticism of the lyrics. It’s a song which abhors slavery, it doesn’t promote it. Censorship of any kind, whether self-imposed or otherwise "required," is a very dangerous thing ... once it becomes the norm, the we are all lost. The Stones should have the "stones" to put the song back in the set, and damned be anyone, or any organization, or any political movement, or any government, who or which tries to stop them.
As usual in the media, the actual story gets buried and ignored. The band (Jagger) had removed it from the setlists and an interviewer noticed it was missing and asked why. Next thing you know, we have these 'the sky is falling' stories all because a song is changed on a setlist.

But the band didn't do it for publicity or even make a public announcement. It was only after a reporter asked about it it became widely known.
I think that its tremendous that the elites are being exposed to the world in this manner for their many contradictions and selectively authoritarian tactics.  The tissue thin agenda is transparent for all who can think.

Of course the Stones didn't announce this particular decision with fanfare and publicity.  They are British. 

Any fallout was bound to happen organically by the caterpillars; this was always going to be inevitable, and quite effective in the circumstances.