To clean or not to clean...

Brand new spanking vinyl. When one receives a  brand  new never played album. What is the consensus?
To clean or not to clean?

I  have leaned toward not cleaning until after numerous spins. This may be more out of  hope that conditions at the pressing faculty are on par with a semiconductor factory. Overall  I have not had issues, but once in a  blue moon you do  get that annoying pop that make you cringe and think" I should've cleaned this one".

Or am I simply guilty of the lessening of a mundane task.
If you feel a void, while cleaning it, you can always obsess over if your bought the best pressing. 

After cleaning, please immediately place it in a good quality sleeve. (plenty of threads in archives about which ones to consider) FWIW, even some fancy high cost reissues with nice sleeves have dusty crud in those sleeves. Some toss those sleeves and use a new clean one. 

There's a good chance you'll never need to clean the record a second time. Cheers,
@millercarbon well put ;)
@tablejockey  i have the Mofi sleeves, a Record Doctor V and a Zerostat 3 Milty
@sbank thanks
New vinyl is likely to have microscopic remnants of mold release oil in the grooves. Drag a hot needle through it at your own risk.
I have a dishwasher brush and I clean it with that....been doing it that way since 1974.....I only deep clean with spray solution ,when I buy used ,dirty dont need to feel clean a new album right out of the plastic wrap....