I agree with Keef

The Stones are in town(LA) for 2 nights.

With so many things now being now deemed "inappropriate" these days, I suppose this isn't a surprise?

Brown Sugar is part of the Stones "permanent set list".  
The cancel culture is nothing new. They banned the Beatles for Lennon’s off the cuff remark about the Beatles being more popular than Jesus.
But then they did continue to sell more records than anyone in the world and probably still do.
It’s a sad state of affairs when musicians and comedians are silenced. 
After-all, they are not politicians.
The times they are a changin.

While censorship of artists by tyrannous regimes is an abomination, there seems to be no evidence that this is explicit in the current predicament. It is however entirely credible that an implicit and undefined threat exists.

Some people don’t like the words cancel culture (with one poster even putting the words in apostrophes), or even denying the movement exists, so I am going to call this elusive tyranny the Elite. Many may be familiar with the Elite, despite not quite knowing who they are.

Every age has its puritans. But once artists begin tailoring their work in accordance with how well it may be received by the Elites who scream the loudest, their craft is bound to suffer.

As has been noted in no uncertain terms, there is something even much more dispiriting about artists who surrender their freedoms voluntarily when confronted by an undefined and implicit threat by the Elite.

It is a kind of death - it is not in the nature of artists to admit that they are curtailing their own manner of expression in the face of external influences, and in Richard’s words I can read him struggling against kowtowing to ideological expectations.

How dare those young scruffy men imitate poor mostly illiterate black blues singers of the United States! How dare they show a generation of white American privileged kids what amazing music they didn’t know existed right under their noses! If you just shake your head and silently shrug at these mentally unbalanced fascists deciding what is “ right” for everyone and don’t speak out and push back, then shame on you. 
Guess they won't be doing 'Paint It Black' either.

Shame on all the woke (read w*nk) idiots who expect the past to be like the present.  Go get a time machine, change the past and leave the rest of us alone.
Guess they won’t be doing ’Paint It Black’ either.

Perhaps. The song is (possibly) about grief, depression and loss of hope.

The Stones are or will be playing in the United States of America, right? Los Angeles?