What are you using to drive your Tektons?

Hi all,
I recently took delivery on a pair of Tekton Pendragons that I really like a lot. The only "trouble" is, I'm greedy and I want MORE. I called Eric at Tekton and am going to order a pair of Double Impact SEs and send the Pendragons back. I'm curious what any of you Tekton fans out there have been driving your Tektons with that has brought you good results? 
Thanks in advance. 
Actually your almost correct. I just received my Double Impact SE's they were professionally packed and crated on a Semi tractor trailer. And delivers to my front door. Excellent shipping used by Tekton Design, I was a bit worried but packing and shipment was excellent. The sound of the DI SE's are awesome. I replaced a set of Paradigm Studio 80v2 I have had in my system for 15 years they were a decent speaker. The Tektons are in a league of their own. I am very happy with my purchase. All I can say is Try them. They don't disappoint. 
WISH I had a pair of the behemoths.

years back, tekton. Had those massive 15” on bottom, and the midrange and tweeter array on sale for an amazing price.

 I decided to use my saved $ for a pair of monos.
no regret!

 Wish I had those tekton, hell yes!
wish I did that purchase,
 but, I have a pair of amazing amps, and I found a pair of energy rc-70’s on sale from fry’s for if I remember, as the receipt is in the basement folder, for about 350-400$ for the pair delivered!
 I had an eargasm, when they broke in!

 But owning the. Tekton speakers, they would be powered by either the Carver sunfire 600 Sig or a pair of emotiva xpa-1’s.     Or my grail amps which I picked up for a steal from a divorced lady blowing out the amps for a great price, as she sold them outright on her husband!!!

 Tekton are great speakers, I’m jealous of owners of them!
 Live, presence, airy, mids which are are guttural, and clear.

Moabs w/Be tweeters driven by Krell KAV-3250 also driving Moab center channel for HT listening. BTW, the Moabs are "mighty" as Barry Cox often notes.