Good speakers under 10K.

Looking for my first pair of decent stereo speakers. Will be buying used, my budget is around 4-7k, so I'm interested in speakers below 10k. I may not be able to audition the speakers given my current location.

1) My sound preferences would be something that is rather true to the source, having adequate detail yet not being overly detailed. Hopefully striking a good balance between precise analytic sound and overly colored. However, I don't mind a speaker slightly to the warm end of neutral if it is not muddy or veiled. I want to avoid overly hyped or harsh speakers with fatiguing top ends, and I like my treble smooth and natural and not overly pronounced. The speakers have to be musical also.

My musical tastes are varied. Mainly electronic, rock, acoustic, classical, soundtrack and world.

Can someone help me decide?


Don't forget the Dali Euphonia M5's, occasionally go on sale here for around $7k/pair; retail at over $14k; a great and under appreciated speaker; it has the slight warmth you are looking for; with their wood-pulp drivers; and they have a great integrated ribbon/dome tweeter for nice room dispersion. Even their Halicon 800's at around $4k/pair sound very good...just my two cents.
Need a little more information. Hard to recomend a speaker when we don't know what amp you have. Best Regards
If the speakers are going on the long wall I suggest a used pair of Revel Studio 2's. They are a good match for your stated preferences. The Vandy 5's will have more slam, but the Revel's have a very pure sound that somehow makes even marginal recordings listenable.

On a 13' wall, I'm not sure. A monitor/sub combo may be best.
Legacy would also be a good choice. At your upper price range you could get a new pair of Focus HD's. This is a truly full range speaker with good midrange resolution, smooth non fatiguing highs and extended bass. You can listen to these for hours on end with no fatigue. Kinda what you could call the "everymans speaker".