Thanks, guys. I don't listen at super loud levels and don't expect thundering bass. (I did have a sub, but it died, and frankly I don't miss it). The Maggies sing with music on their own. Double bass sounds like double bass, brass cymbals sound like brass cymbals and instruments and voices have timbre for days. That is Magnapan's calling card and precisely why I bought them. They are in a small office/study and the acoustics preclude me from blasting (although I have on occasion). It is like listening in an intimate night club right in front of the musicians. Magical, especially when I invoke the SS-X for live recordings which I acquired for just that purpose. That thing is incredible. I wrote about it which was the only other post I think I ever started in all these years.
I just thought you'd get a kick out of this. There is an ongoing thread posing the question 'why topics get contentious' when this is just a hobby for fellow audiophiles wishing to share. For everyman's passion, there is always a cold wet blanket in the wings. I refer to it as 'the messianic compulsion'. "Corvette parked next to a Ferrari". HA! Well put, indeed! My friend did call me later to apologize, noting I never expressed interest in what his friend had for comparison. I cared less.
I will concede a high current amp with stable power into 2 ohms would drive the Maggies into nirvana. Maybe I'll break down one day and score if I move my system into a larger room. I have a friend who has a Krell driving Martin Logans which would be ideal. He has a large room and he can turn up the heat! He also heard my system at full tilt and gave it the thumbs up. He is an audio technician and it was gratifying to get his approval.
I am actually considering some speakers I could drive with a SS amp for full-tilt boogying where timbre is not the first priority. Perhaps some Klipsch Horns would do the trick, eh? :-). Actually, I rekindled my rememberance of some Walsh Ohms that knocked my socks off. Hmmmm...
Good fun sharing this hobby. I've learned over the years to tune the nay-sayin' know-it-alls out. When good suggestions are put forward for consideration, it is an entirely different matter. Knowing the difference saves one's sanity in this passionate hobby.
Thank you for the positive responses and indulging me. I have been on Audiogon for a bit and have always enjoyed seeing the sharing and camaraderie. My hope is new comers to our community on Audiogon get a chance to read this for its true intent. Our younger brethren don't care to participate due to the contentious berating and that is a tragic shame.
Best to all...