A turntable that plays all types of music well


I might be moving and my lenco L75 direct drive with large Nantais plinth might be sold as too bulky to want to bring along....

For new location what turntable has the PRAT and ability to play all types of vinyl music well?

I already have a good Helius Omega arm and soundsmith hyperion cart so looking for turntable only....nothing over 10K
I bought a used Linn LP 12 15 years ago and now have upgraded with Mober parts,Mober PSU was a good improvement over Lingo PSU and every upgrade made a good improvement so goes to show that TT it self makes a good improvement maybe more than arm and cart. combo.All Mober upgrades except for the plinth.As good as  LP12 sounded in stock form I would be disappointed in the sound,with Mober parts I get all the best upgrades that Linn has put into the LP12 at a much lower price.
@motorcyclphil - the question isn’t whether improvements in the turntable sound better or not- of course they do, and especially Linn is known for options, almost, but not quite like Porsche. It was whether turntables play different kinds of music better than others, which is ridiculous.

Cartridges, phono stages, speakers, maybe amps, but not turntables. Their job is simply to keep the speed accurate with no rumble. Rumble doesn’t discriminate against music type, nor does some inaccuracy.