100W+ solid-state amps known for beautiful mids

Quad 909 back in the day had a reputation for the best mids running up to $5000. I've used it in the past and I would definitely say that the mids were the highlight on that amp. It wasn't overly coloured, a hint of warmth, but it had a purity and sweetness to its mids. Unfortunately, mostly everything else was okay at best, kind of rolled off at both ends and congested stage-wise.

I'm looking for that same purity and sweetness without sacrificing the rest of the sonic traits. What have been your guys' contenders for 100W+ solid state power amps with the best mids?
Can I ask what pre amp you are using ?
I have been using a Supratek Cabernet pre with a Belles SA30 class A power amp rated at 50w
my speakers are 87db in sensitivity, but don’t go below 85db so easy to drive for my amp, and it can play much louder than I care to listen too.
The mid’s are exceptional and the high’s are beautiful, the bass for me is good, but I would guess that your amp would be better in that department. Do you need 100w + in power,? A lot of good class A amps are at 30w and for 3db louder you need 10 times the power I think!
Good luck in you search.