Tannoy cheviot vs Arden what should I expect from each?

Wondering if anyone has either of these speakers, as Im itching to put down my own Jack (as Kevin Deal says), on a pair of these?
Not a big fan of speakers that use the tweeter as a midrange driver, with a very low crossover frequency, around 1200k. I prefer a larger midrange 6" that will reproduce male voices like Leonard Cohen for example. You ain't going to get that with a tweeter, doesn't move enough air. 
The midrange is the hardest thing in any speaker. Too small and your trying to cover it with a tweeter, too big and you have a bass driver muddling along. 
I would have to hear them before buying. They have such a big following but that means nothing in audio if you don't fall into that group.
I have been given the OK by the boss to buy my last set of speakers and will buy Tannoy. I’m looking at the Cheviots, Ardens and the Turnberrys as well. I will also audition them as soon as I can get a free day. I’m lucky that Upscale Audio is only 35 miles away and down 1 freeway (210 east) at that.

At the moment, I’m leaning toward the Turnberry’s which is funny because the last time I was there, I saw the (Tannoy) prestige line near the entrance and thought...’who buys this nutty stuff’? But the closer you look, the more appeal there seams to be...for me.