so this is my system whats next


marantz 7011 into vitus sia 025. ive got 4 in ceiling speakers and 2 paradigm seismic 110 subwoofers pad neptune rca and voodoo power cables.


gigawatt circuit breaker

gigawatt in wall power cable

2 x trader 5 gang wall unit

netgear orbi with sbooster psu router

silent angel n8 with sbooster psu network switch

ayon s10 signature streamer dac with voodoo air spectra power cord

corvus xlr

vitus sia 025 with voodoo tesla

pad neptune rca

wilson benesch p3.0 speakers in 2.0 no subs

bit of room treatment behind paintings under dining room table i have 25mm foam. cinema round on roof. trying to get the wife to let me buy a bigger thicker rug. lol

not sure how to post pics

Regular furniture is not the same as a properly designed audio racks. I had terrible sibilance on my system and I changed DACs, transports, cables etc. Nothing worked. Not until I took my transport off the coffee table and put it on a good audio rack. Sibilance gone. I could have kicked myself.

Ditto with the blankets. Blankets aren’t acoustic treatments. Invest in some properly designed diffusers and place them on the first reflection points.

You spent good money on your gear. Don’t short change it by cheaping out and not getting proper stands and room treatments. You’ll be pleasantly surprised how proper stands and room treatments work.
thanks. not trying to be difficult. but. my wife wont allow a audio rack there. it needs to look like a piece of furniture and most cables hidden. im not sure i can do much more with my room. 

any other ideas
The system looks good ... !
The area seems spacious enough for a good listening environment.
The ceiling cloud is likely helping a bunch ... possibly more panels on wall (when possible) to aid RT60 response.
Possibly some fine adjustments to placement.
Nothing wrong with in ceiling surrounds.
Very nice.
 my wife wont allow a audio rack there.

We all have boundaries we have to operate within. 😂🤣