CD Player Recommendations…

Looking for CD player recommendations that mate well with a Musical Fidelity A308 integrated and Revel F30 speakers. Cabling is Discovery Essential speaker cables and matching Essence interconnects. I’m thinking the player should be on the neutral to perhaps slightly recessed/relaxed mids to synergize with the A308 and F30’s more forward characteristics. 
" nothing good can be bought for 1000 ... money wasted ... "

In audio as in life I suppose.  Cars, hookers, fancy meals, Lakers' tickets, concerts ...
With a little patience you can pick up an Oppo 105 <$1000, which also plays SACD/DVD-A and even movies. Then, on Ebaye you can buy aftermarket Linear Power Modules from ~ $200 up. One of the companies even provides excellent pictures to walk you through (hey I did it) also get the Furutech IEC with silver jumper to the power supply board and the jumper to bypass the 110/220 switch. Once complete leave the top off. I bought a $4 air con filter to keep junk out

Hi jfant,
 I never had a CD32. what brand? 
Hi folks,Thanks for all the suggestions folks. My previous cd player was a cambridge cxc going into an arcam irdac. I still have the irdac as i use it for streaming, however, the cxc (with irdac) made everything sound a little too full and bloomy. Add that to the 308’s fuller sound and f30’s forward mids, and it was a little overkill. Hence, i sold the cxc to get a standalone cdp; as cd is still my reference. In fact, i use streaming to discover new music, then buy the disc! 
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I just ordered a Bryston BCD-3. In your price range I would look at the  Rega Apollo.