Integrated Amps - another thread...

Ok, I am going to start looking for an integrated amp that meets my needs.  Let me tell you a little about me and my system...

I was an early R&D person (not technical; rather, sound) at Cary Audio, in the very beginning.  I have been in the audio world for 35 years.  My current system consists of: MacBook Pro > Schiit Modi 3 > Rega Brio > to modified ADS &L780/2 Speakers.  All my PC, IC, and SC are hand made using the Helix Image model.  I also have a number of mechanical isolation things going on around the entire system.  Fairly good size room; however, I don't play really loud.

BTW, I'm one of the only people that has always believed in the sound of ADS speakers and still do...

My ultimate goal is to relplace the MacBook (the last change), Schiit Modi 3, and the Rega Brio.  The ADS aren't going anywhere.  They fit me!

I thought about separates; but, I think I want to stick with an Integrated Amp.  I don't really want an Integrated with a DAC (if it has one, then so be it).  I would to keep it around 3K, if possible.  No really wanting to get back into tubes nd I'm comfortable trying Class D.

I listen 100% to Tidal and Quboz, via Roon, on my MacBook, to mostly late 50's early 60's Jazz.  I do listen to newer Jazz when I hear a good album.

So, throw out some suggestions, please...

Bringing my audio experience to an entirely new level. the Raven Nighthawk Integrated tube amp is about $3000. I thought I knew what a "system" could sound like. O sure. I'd heard demo systems that blew me away here and there. But the $$$$ was beyond comprehension. As I sit here listening....the reality. sheer humanness of vocals, the shimmer of stringed instruments continually amaze me. The depth. guts, and slam of the music is so mesmerizing and often shocking I'm still pulling out old favorites to hear the half I'd missed with all my previous crappy systems. Honestly I never knew MY VERY OWN rig could ever sound this fantastic. Did I mention Raven Audio? IMO a STUNNING break through in realism.    
Hi OP, I believe that I am on a similar level to you in terms of system cost and am also looking out for the next possible system upgrades. 

As far as streamers go, the Bluesound Node (~$500) has been the go-to recommendation as a laptop replacement. I would also consider looking into the Ifi Zen Streamer ($400), which just came out. The Ifi is a streamer only and also looks to be just as functional with all the major streaming bases covered. Ifi hit a great price point. And as more reviews begin to come out, we'll see how the Ifi compares in quality to the rest of the market. 

As far as a DAC upgrades goes, the Denafrips Ares 2 (~$800) seems to be universally winning over YouTube reviewers at it's price point for it's sound quality. 

I'm not exactly sure what amps the ADS likes to be fed by. But since you mention that you're open to class D, I'll say a bit about it since that's what I know. I use NAD for the home theater and Peachtree for the stereo. My understanding is that NAD uses Purifi's version of class D while Peachtree is just now shifting towards the GaN to differentiate itself or get a different type of sound out of class D. You decide of any of this is worth looking into further. Best