I had multiple transactions here and at US Audio Mart in 2019 and yesterday received a letter from the IRS stating the transactions were "Taxable Income" anyone else ever experience that with Paypal and now what?
Fighting the IRS is not something I look forward to!
You probably will pay more tax on your audio sales than Bezos pays in a year!
Someone posted that same thing recently.  I can't believe the irs is hunting down private sales on used items that were already taxed once. 
Only country in the world that taxes its citizens when you live and work in another country ,
If you sold the items at a loss then there is no tax due. If it is a hobby loss then it cant be deducted but as stated you sold at a loss there is no tax due if that makes sense. If this is a business for you then the loss would be deductible. Either way you would just have to report the transactions since paypal has reported and filed the 1099. I am a cpa and would be happy to take a look at the letter and give you some advice free of charge. pm me

eag618 OP76 posts08-06-2021 5:33pm..... and "Builder 3" I'm 66 and have been running the same business locally for close to 30 years, we do over a $Billion with steel.I understand taxes, the economy and how things work...this is Bullshit.
So if one sells their 1 year old Porsche 911 for zero profit and gets out of it, is that "taxable income" I think not.
What are you bitching at me about? The IRS only cares about one thing, taxable income. Show them proof that it's a loss and not a gain, they'll go away.For somebody that professes to know so much, you're the one that came on a stereo forum, of all places, and asked "now what?". Deal with, it's not complicated. If you don't know, hire someone that does.