More watts or better power ?

Hello, I am currently running a PS Audio BHK Preamp, which has a tube input stage, to a Pass Labs XA25, Class A (50watts at 4 ohms) power Amp, into a pair of Sonus Faber Minima Amator II bookshelf speakers. My system sounds very good, and at 4ohms, I have 50 watts of power to my speakers, which is on the lower end of their rating.

What would be a better investment (most bang for the buck) into the system? Replace the XA25 with a higher watt amp (PS Audio BHK 250?), or spend the same money on a power conditioner (PS Audio Power Plant II?) Or upgrade the Minima Amator (which are sounding very good) to another set of speakers.

The system is in my bedroom, I have a very small house, hence the smaller Sonus Faber Speakers. I have beenplaying around with an SVS micro sub as well.

Other system parts, Clear Audio Concept/ Concept MC, Pass Labs XP15, Little Green Roon Server, Schitt Yiggi, and a Luxman MQ 88 Tube amp in rotation.

Appreciate your input
Mark O

The only reason to upgrade the amplifier is if you do not have enough volume level for the speakers otherwise you will be wasting your money buying better power cords/ speaker wire/ power conditioning will only improve the power you have they will not increase it. if you are happy with the sound and the volume this is the way to go, but if you notice volume limitations a bigger amplifier will help for sure but then you will probably reach the limit of the small speakers quickly, which means a larger pair of speakers. It all means that the problem of upgrading is complex and expensive, but if you buy a good used amplifier and speakers you can save a lot of money.
Bigkidz, you don't like the Yiggi ? :)
I have not done enough research on DACs to make the upgrade. Maybe over the winter I'll start. At this point I don't know what makes a good DAC, a good DAC.  I know you can by a thumb drive DAC for $69 and then you can multiply that by 100.........
Thanks Speakermaster, I'm not having issues at higher volumes, I can play it as loud as I can stand for a short time and still have no loss.
    Thanks for all the input people, this entire thread was prompted by an email from PS Audio. Because I have been a customer in the past, they were offering a nice discount on some of their products. I was looking at taking advantage of this, but per the general consensus, you guys have talked me off the ledge.

    Like I said, the system sounds very good, so maybe to enjoy the smaller tweaks and adjustments of systems is a better plan of attack. I'll be looking at power components, and maybe some new speaker cables.

I'll bet it sounds very good. And since the sub is hooked up, you must be hearing some well balanced music. From the
comments you've made, you shouldn't be worried about power output anymore.