List your breakthrough products that you’ve discovered on this audiophile Journey.

1. Add Powr sorcerer X2/4 

Get this guy with a Nordost QB base and chuck your high $$$ power conditioning units for sale on the ‘Gon.

2. Hemingway Zcore cables. The beginning line of Zcore called the Alpha will outrun 90% of the super high end cables on the market 😱. They’ve been tested by those who run the big name brands and the Alpha comes out on top. Why? One word, realism. The next line up called the Beta is where the breakthrough Technology comes into play. Install a few of these and you will be a believer in this design. Sigma and Omega are next in line and although big $$$ you don’t suffer the law of diminishing returns.

3. Theoretica Applied Physics Bacch-SP Adio 3D Sound Processer. One box does it all. The future in one box. Bottom feeders will choke on this one.

4. Quantum Science Audio fuses. These guys work! Go Red! Unleashing your equipments full Glory.

This tread is only for your listed breakthrough products and not open to the haters and Eeyore type folks. I am sure they will leak in here to try and mock and distract this main purpose.

Dear Eeyore,

Please name your favorite, Positive, breakthrough product. 


Interested in hearing abt your lightbulb moment with using high level inputs for subs rather than low level. I’ve done a lot of playing around with this over the years and have my own opinions but curious to hear your experience. 
Theoretica Applied Physics Bacch-SP Adio 3D Sound Processer.

There is another processor that was made by BSG called the "QOL." For me that was a breakthrough product. It does what the Theoretica product claims to do but with much less hassle. It mainly adds depth and definition to the soundstage and works without putting your head in a vice. When new they cost $4k but I found one for $800. They are pretty rare but one comes up for sale every so often.

I also have the Carver Holographic Generator. It works well but you have to set up your speakers and seating position exactly right to get the full effect. The BSG QOL is a little more subtle and it is very forgiving on seating position.

Thanks for bringing the Theoretica to my attention. The price seems absurd but it's interesting to know that it exists and if I ever get the chance I will listen to one.
Silversmith Fidelium Speaker Cables 
Just WOW!
Greatest single improvement in my system thus far.