Dunlavy resurrection?

I bought the rights etc to Dunlavy when Kenny closed it years ago.  After years of design research have come up with an amazing evolution to the line.  While I love the thought of bringing it back to market, and think there is a need, I'm not sure I "want a job" and don't really need one.  If any one out there with an industry connection that might have interest in discussing moving things forward with my financial backing, send me an email at dunlavyinfo@gmail.com

@vinestreet any updates?
Please tell me more about the 3a’s you helped design.
I am dying for insight.
@dronepunk, thanks for that.  Hardly any difference in weight then.

However I think the simpler box design for the DAL was possibly a compromise in performance, even if it was less expensive to build.
Good luck with the possible venture. Living in CS I heard various Dunlavy models lots and loved the incredible sweet spot. Spending an evening with John at his building in the 90s was very memorable.