Dunlavy resurrection?

I bought the rights etc to Dunlavy when Kenny closed it years ago.  After years of design research have come up with an amazing evolution to the line.  While I love the thought of bringing it back to market, and think there is a need, I'm not sure I "want a job" and don't really need one.  If any one out there with an industry connection that might have interest in discussing moving things forward with my financial backing, send me an email at dunlavyinfo@gmail.com


Showing 6 responses by dronepunk

I’m really just a fan and owner/rebuilder of Dunlavy speakers. I just want to see it come to fruition.
I am a maintenance manager  at a large manufacturing plant in central Texas.
If you open shop in Texas I will help anyway I can.
I am a huge fan of JD’s designs.
has this gone anywhere?
I would love to help if I could.
Vinestreet,  I built a box with a downfiring 
Scanspeak 25w8565-00 to set
my Dunlavy SM-1’s on.
I am using a simple 14.5mH coil for crossover currently-I am surprised how good it sounds.
I am using them as surrounds and Dirac Live mops up what I lack in know how.
I have played with a Zobel to flatten impedance a bit but I honestly did t notice much of a difference....
Any tips?
@vinestreet any updates?
Please tell me more about the 3a’s you helped design.
I am dying for insight.