Can we talk about Qobuz for a minute

    I use to use Spotify until i heard Tidal, and now with my Parasound Integrated amp having a pretty nice dac onboard im bypassing my Bluesound Node2’s internal dac and it sounds great.

    Is Qobuz just like Tidal as to song selections and ease of use. I haven’t check pricing either.

    Is there a reason some really like Qobuz sound better, without it turning into a blood bath Lol, thanx guys

Qobuz offers high resolution outside the MQA. If you don't have or like MQA then Qubuz is the way to go. Tidal is almost all MQA at this point for hi res.
I wish there was a LIKE button @jrw1971.

I don't understand why so many users are experiencing Qobuz drops. Would extending the router range help?

I haven’t really looked into what my system is really doing with the stream of music now that my parasound is the dac, i should know this.

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I have over 200 playlists I made on Qobuz. The interface (using a Lunin) isn’t tip top but it works well.

SQ is excellent.

Free trial.