The best tube poweramp. . What do you think about ?

I’ve now a VAC phi 300.1. I’m very satisfied with this poweramp. What do you think , and do you have another option ?
my set consists of: Audio Note Cd Two II , Metronome technologie C6 , Daniël Hertz M6L: and the Ilumnia Magister MKII speakers. ( look at : ). Thanks a lot for the reactions!
AtmaSphere OTL?  The M60 for modest power requirements, the MA-1 on up for power-hungry speakers.  Stunning performance and rock-solid reliability.

VAC may be a contender as well--it's been too long since I've heard one, but the old ones were outstanding and I'm guessing they've only gotten better.
I have to admit bias(pun intended) since the Melos amps were designed by good friends. But monoblocks putting out a rated 400 watts(they actually put out more) in triode using only 4 output tubes is very imposing. I might add that they had a very high damping factor for tube amps thus greatly reducing the frequency response variation of tube amps into reactive loads. 
Also a Had fave of all time Inspire Firebottle HO (it's a HO...says it right on the front) SEP with Heresy IIIs (better than the IVs for my tastes) sounds astonishingly good although nearly unobtanium if you desire it...
Atma Sphere M-60 will be a perfect match for your Magister MKII speakers and Audio Note CD. When properly matched with compatible speakers, OTL amplifiers are BY FAR the best tube amplifiers.