Maggies with a subwoofer system - optimization?

I need advice on how best to improve the midrange and base on my Magnapans (1.6qrs)My idea is to relieve the panels of base duty ( only feed the signal above 100 to 150 hertz to the panels and let my Swarm subs take the low end signal). I assume my midrange will improve, and the solid base performance via the sub system will fill in well. I now run a Krell S550i integrated into the Maggies, and the Krell Pre output into the DaytonAudio SA1000 Subwoofer amp.

Any feedback is appreciated - will I lengthen the life of my panels? Am I wasting my time? 

Unbelievable......Well Not Really

Totally ignoring the subject matter that the OP’s wishes to discuss a certain individual takes the opportunity to ‘Peddle’ these products yet again...blatant spamming...Ergo SPAM which is not allowed...Will the Mods act ...obviously this post wont survive very long....

” A much better way to get the improvements you want is a combination of vibration control using Townshend Pods under the speakers and subs, and acoustics using Synergistic HFT Speaker and Room Kits.“
Has anyone else biamp-ed Magnepan 1.6/1.7, bypassed factory crossovers, used electronic crossovers and added subwoofer(s)?
@avitacom I have added a pair of REL T/9is per above. Made a huge difference! Please see my post above.

Yes, several years back I added a Bryston 10B active crossover and another (matching) two channel amp to the 1.6's I have, gutting the passive crossovers. It was fairly simple (I could do it and I'm electronically challenged). Well worth the trouble and expense (about $2,000 for the used amp and 10B). Since the 10B is only a 2way crossover I just ran the sub through it's passive crossover. Blended pretty well IMO and very enjoyable with all kinds of music. The ultimate would be getting a 3way crossover to also feed the sub. I think Pass and Marchand are the two analog options available and there were several digital options at that time, DEQX was one, but I went simple to see if it helped the 1.6's and my system. Net - well worth the time and expense.

From what I understand, the 1.7's no longer have bi-wireable binding posts so it would require a fabricated set-up for the binding posts. Also, didn't Magnepan add a super tweeter to the 1.7's? That would complicate the wiring as you'd need something to act as a crossover for the tweeter. 


The 70 hz bump. Yep. I got lucky. I mounted some fiberglass/foam acoustic panels on one reflective wall and it tamed the bump. Shouldn't have, but it did.