Does adding a steamer to a Roon Nucleus / server improve audio output

A generic question for the forum.  I have been told adding a dedicated streamer or network bridge to a server ( in my case a Roon Nucleus) improve the resultant audio output?  
Any input would be appreciated.
If you are looking for high sound quality it is a requirement. PCs are very noisy. My first streamer was a Auralic G2, then I moved to Aurender and now own their flagship W20SE. Each a major improvement. Now my digital side is as satisfying to listen to as my analog end. I hesitated buying a streamer for well over a decade, my various devices and Apple notebook running on battery seemed sufficient as it was just sending out bits… I was completely wrong. It is just like analog, all components matter, but the closer you are to,the source the more they matter. Put a bit of noise in the source and you just amplify it. My system has never sounded anywhere as it does today, and my streamer and amp are the most expensive components.