Have had a Lyra Delos Cartridge for the last month and have any of you goners noticed a elevated treble, shrill thin bright sound from this Cartridge? I wish I had my HANA ML back. This Lyra sounds horrible!!!

You're probably right about new schools and old schools, but you can have both. I don't have a Delos, but I have a pair of Helikons, a pair of Kleos and an Atlas and when your system is working in synergy with the Lyras, you get wonderful tonal richness, flow and warmth AND outright resolution.

I have my Lyras on a VPI going into a Manley Chinook (which I loaded for the Atlas factoring in tonearm and phono cable capacitance), into a recently recapped Accuphase C-280L preamp and out to a recently recapped McIntosh MC-2300 and from there into a pair of recently recapped AR-9's (Teledyne 1978 ~ 1982). All solid state except for the Chinook and IMO it is fabulous. I do not feel like I am missing anything in the way of tonal richness or warmth and, of course, the Lyras extract details out of the records that I often never knew were there.

I've owned Shelter (but not that 7000), a Koetsu Rosewood Standard, a Dynavector XX-2 Mk I ... The Dynavector was the best of that lot, but when I got my first Helikon I knew I'd found home.
Flembo, I’m also running a Kleos on a VPI into a Chinook.

I completely agree with your assessment.

The difference being I run the Chinook @47k using a Bob’s Devices Sky 30 SUT.
Bob personally recommended that one based on my equipment and cabling.

If any thing I feel the dynamics improved a step further and the advantage of lower noise, due to reducing the gain to 40db, well that just let more of the music shine through.
Quite passages quieter ect...

Im running the metal uni pivot right now with a 3d reference gimbaled on the way. It was suggested that, the better damped arm will further improve all aspects of the Kleos.

I guess we’ll see

Now that is interesting. I have one of these:

I wonder if I set things up the way you do with your Bob's Devices unit I might experience something similar...
I read the OP and a few initial responses, then jumped to the end.  So I may have missed some posts, and this may be redundant.  But, OP, I own a few Lyras, a Koetsu, MSL, and a VDH.  I know what you're talking about with the Lyra's resolution.  But, in my experience, it's all about the phono stage (assuming correct VTA/SRA, alignment, yada yada).  With my ARC REF 3SE, the Lyra Etna Lambda and Delos sound marvelous.  What you're hearing as shrill, I'm hearing as resolving, airy, spacious, and realistic, accompanied by a solid lower octave foundation, warmth when called for, midrange bloom when it's there, and what I consider an overall perfect tonal balance.  Not "bright."  When I pop in certain SS phono stages, it gets noticeably bitey, including that dreaded sense that the fairy dust isn't softly landing on you ear but rather stinging you.  Gotta go with what works in your system.  But I humbly submit that it's wrong to conclude there's something wrong with Lyra's sound.  Done right, paired right, its a frickin' amazing cart for the $$$.  If your red wine isn't going soo well with your ice cold sorbet, it's not the red wine.