Best Sounding Speaker Cables?

Cardas Clear, Nordost Frey 2, Clarus Crimson? Strengths? 
More like the "Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right" thread.
There's a small third group. We don't recommend what we own or anything else other than what integrates into the system well.

For the googleth time, Specific FanBoy recommendations are WORTHLESS unless the equipment, room, program and listener are exact duplicates!
12 zip cord. The no BS eminently capable alternative to pseudo science and trolls.
We tried tested many speaker cables for  my Audio research GS pre and power system. The most succesful cables were Nordost Walhalla , Echole Omnia and Tchernov ref. Of course the reaction of your system to cable is very important. Always try before buying.
The "best sounding" speaker cables are ones that work well with your system.

Which ones are those?

You'll have to figure that out yourself.
I can however suggestion working with a company that offers in home trial periods.
Erastof, if you are interested in an objective or more science-based approach to this question, check this out:

The Best Speaker Cable | Reviews by Wirecutter (

This article contains links to other articles on this question, including electrical testing or measurements on conductivity and blind testing performed under controlled conditions on speaker cable ranging in price from less than $100 to mucho dinero! There are also links to questions regarding optical, digital coaxial and other types of cables and/or interconnects. As others here have already pointed out, there is no such thing as "the best" speaker cable. If you have GREAT or very acute hearing you may be able (and that's a BIG MAYBE) to detect or sense or convince yourself you can, indeed, hear  tiny differences in different bands of cable but not "better", per se. The most important variables are:  length, guage and quality of conductors & manufacture.