Connecting class D amp to high level input on subwoofer

I purchased 2 used Von Schweikert VR-s/1 subs. I would like to run them using the high level inputs off of my Bel Canto REF500m monblocks which are class D amps. Rel has videos on this, but they are using a speakeron cable and there is some issue with the ground and class D amps. The VR-S/1 subs have standard speaker connections for the high level input.

I talked to John Stronczer, founder of Bel Canto Designs he said the outputs have ground potential but are operating in a balanced bridge.  He suggested I contact Von Schweikert to see if that would work with the subs. Talked to someone at VS, he said probably would work, he was running a VR-S/1 off of a balanced amp with no problem, but couldn't guarantee I would do no damage to amp or sub. 

As in much of life nothing is simple. Scouring the web only muddies the water.  Any advice would be welcomed.  A long shot to think someone has my exact subs and amps, but perhaps a similar set up. Thanks.
I talked to John Stronczer at Bel Canto he said no need for the capacitors for my particular amp.  Seems I need to determine if the - post on the sub is shorting to ground.  This can be done with a multimeter. Found this on the web.

Thanks to all who posted. Here is an update. I spoke with E.J. at Wyred 4 Sound and he told me to use a multimeter to measure Ohms at the subs speaker level input.

1. Measure from Pos to Neg on eacdh channel
2. Measure from the left and right neg. to plate amp ground, which I was able to use the outer ring of an RCA input jack.
3. Measure from left to right neg speaker inout leads.

He said they should not be zero. Well he was right, the left and right negative posts measured 200 Ohms across each other and 100 Ohms to ground for each one. The hot leads measured OL to ground, and OL to each other.

John said to do this and get back to him. I now won't get the subs until Monday and will try this.  It appears that if there is no continuity to ground from the high level inputs I'm good to go. Balanced output from amps to balanced input on the subs. 

Glad to hear you got the information you needed. Hope my post didn't hurt.
EJ is great. Having an STI-1000 I have talked to him on the phone a few times as well as at shows. Not surprised he could help!