Difference between ESS Sabre Burr Brown Wolfson DACs

Which is the best of the 3?
  I’ve never heard the Marantz, but I own the Oppo 203.  The Marantz retails for about 10 times the price of the Oppo so it should have a better DAC, but why don’t you connect the Oppo to the Marantz and let us know what you think?
to the comments on ladders vs chips - they are in fact all chips (with very few, expensive exceptions).
Cheapest R2R used semiconducor resistors in ladder; best use(d) hybrid film resistors. Many modern ones used discrete resistors at very high cost, mostly because you cannot buy R2R chips any longer (yes, i know about AD's chip, and its  PITA to use due to inherent glitches)
Just keeping the discussion from having red herrings
I would advise to look up one of the recent "Pints with Ayre" in which they discuss with one of the Sabre chip developers in depth; but only if you are interested in listening to people who might know what they are talking about.