I need a new Source

I need one that plays DVDs from other parts of world. For example, I am in the US and I have some DVDs from Austalia that only play in PAL format. My current player does not do it. The new player I get will also be used as a transport as I have the Musical Fidelity 3 pack of DAC, Power Supply, and Tube Buffer. Any suggestions
I'm familiar with two players that can switch between NTSC and PAL output but there must be many more. The two I'm familiar with are the California Audio Labs CL-2500 DVD (one of which I have for sale) and the Rotel RDV-1060. Both work well as transports, as well.
Philips DVP642. Very nice and only $60. Besides, it plays AVI format movies. No SACD capability.
I bought a Samsung universal (SACD, DVD-V, DVD-A, etc.) from Best Buy for $99, and have had no trouble playing DVDs from anywhere in the world. My wife watches many DVDs from China, Korea, etc., and they all play without issue. It's a "Region Free" player.

Folks have had them modded from outfits such as RAM and EVS, and claim the end result competes with just about any high end player.

Highly recommended.