PS auido Direct stream Dac

Hi I am looking to buy a Dac, now i have Cambridge Audio 851N network player.I am looking at the PS audio Direct Stream Dac with the Bridge 11 and the Holo  Audio May Dac KTE, I have a cd player ,but not many cds so most of the time it would used to stream Qobuz ,I also have a nice vinyl set up which i use about 1/2 the time. My ? does anyone have heard both of these dacs ,if so which sounds most like vinyl, I am 64  so I am trying to decide if these are worth the $ or should i just stick with the CA 851N ,any opinions will help .Thanks Lloyd
Check out the wyred for sound 10th anniversary dac, it's $2,000 cheaper than the PS audio direct stream and the reviewer that tested it said it was way better than the PS audio direct stream.
On my "check it out sometime list" is :

-Audio Note kit 4.1x $3k
-Wyred for Sound-Not sure on model name
-Doge 6 or 7

Currently own the last of the $1.5 Audio Mirror Tubadours
Vlad offered. Somehow I feel that the next improvement
I might want will be $5k+ so I am settling in and quite happy.

Was not aware that U/W had a new DAC. 
Probably a bargain. Love that guy!

I’m following this with great interest as I own the Cambridge Azure 851n and think it sounds great. By way of introduction, I don’t have a golden ear nor am I an audiophile. I’m also fairly new to streaming and the 851n is my first foray into streaming. Actually my second, I attached an apple airport to my preamp to stream from my iPhone. This was after some prodding from my daughter who claimed that I only listened to music by dead people. Partially true, I suppose — my analog source is a Michell Gyrodec. But a significant number of the musicians on my LP’s are still alive. Really.

I’m very interested to know if anyone has firsthand experience in moving up the chain from an 851n to better sounding streamer/dac — integrated or separates.
I think the 851n sounds great. Then again, I don’t have much to compare it to. It is Roon ready which is a big plus for me. I subscribed to Roon shortly after I subscribed to Tidal. I also purchased a few DSD recordings just to see if I was missing out. The 851n plays it all quite nicely. 
Thanks for your time!

Cambridge makes some terrific DACs for the money.  An easy step up would include the Cambridge CSX V2.  About $1,100 new but also readily available in lightly used condition for $600 to $650.   Virtually all the $1500 to $2,000 DACs mentioned above would be a super next step IMHO

at this price point a few dollars can get you a huge bang for your buck.  Enjoy!
@rhg3 - I have a friend who loves his music, and after a little digging around when he told me he wanted a streamer (DAC built in). Azure 851N is what he bought after my recommendation from reviews.

I've heard it, it's quite good, for the money it's very good, and it's great for him. And yes it does quite a good job, fully controlled off his phone.
For the money, you have a solid performer, it's a reasonably heavy hitter in it's bracket - so yeah, you've done well.
And I am more than a little suspicious that you are an audiophile sir.

I've never seen you post before, so welcome mate.