Bluesound is great when it works, but ...

Am I the only one who sometimes -- often -- finds Bluesound software unimaginably frustrating? I can't be. I just got a new Mac Mini and have been unable to get BluOS to find my iTunes music library. I had it working on the old Mini (set up using the "add local share" thing on BluOS), but have not had any luck at all -- despite many, many, many efforts.

Here's the kicker: I contacted Bluesound support and requested help. Heard back quickly, with the recommendation that they link into my system via Microsoft Teams and they'd find and fix the problem. I was thrilled. But when I click on the provided link, download the software I'll need and then launch it, I get a message from Apple telling me that it cannot be opened because it has an outdated security certificate. (Or words to that effect.) Further communications with Bluesound support have been unavailing -- though I did receive a survey question asking me how I liked their support. Not at all, obviously.

This is what I'd call ridiculous. I'm no tech expert, but I know how to do a thing or three. And I know that adding my music library -- especially when it's sitting right there on iTunes on the Mac -- shouldn't be so freakin' difficult

When the Bluesound product is working, I quite like it. Enough, in fact, that I preordered a new Node so I'll have one for my main system, the other in my office rig. But they really need to hire a few software developers who know how to make things work for normal people, not tech experts.

End of rant.

-- Howard

I purchased a NAD integrated a few years ago with BluOs and hated it so I returned it. I use Spotify Connect and the connection was if-y at best. If I would pick up my iPhone and walk around it would lose the signal. And when I got news alerts, the 'ping' came through on the speakers. So back it went. I use a Marantz ND8006 with WiFi streaming and couldn't be happier.
Thanks for the links. I've spent so much time on that site that I'd nearly memorized those instructions, but your efforts are nonetheless appreciated.

-- Howard