Opinions on Meitner MTR-101 Amps???

Anybody out there still using these former Stereophile recommended Ed Meitner designed mono-blocks?? Anyone have them revised? Is it worth it? Appreciate any comments. Thanks.
John Wright at EMM Labs (Ed Meitner's company) was the person whom I contacted, but I recall receiving a piece of mail or e-mail from him recently saying he had left there. I'll see if I still have it in my office on Monday. Possible Ed Meitner might be able to help, try emmlabs.com with a search, as he's venturing back into consumer audio with his DSD transport/DAC combination.
I just got an e-mail from John Wright. He has a new website, www.museatex.com, where you can get in touch with him regarding Meitner/Museatex repairs, upgrades, etc. He is the person who has been handling repairs and upgrades the past 10 years, and the work he did for me in the past was done very well.
I found a pair of Meitner MTR-101's at a yard sale for $20.00  Dont know if they work yet but one has a tear in the film covering the power button.  I wonder if this is repairable...For that matter are there shops that can repair these amps if needed?  My plan is to see if I can drive my Snell type A speaker woofers. 
Well, both amps work and they make a good difference in how the Snell's sound.  On a side note the heat sink rods do get a bit warm.