Cambridge CXN vs Bluesoune Node?

I'm a total n00b to streaming, and have an old-school system comprising Cambridge CXC -> Schiit Gungnir DAC -> ARC LS27 --> ARC SD135 --> Vandersteen Treo speakers.  I'm just now unboxing these after 4 years of bumpy life.  But my season tickets to the Seattle Symphony have turned into access to streaming through YouTube. So I need a way to get the YouTube audio into my ARC electronics.

I first considered the Audioengine B-Fi, and then the Bluesound Node 2i and the Cambridge CXN.  Some have told me the Cambridge has better sound, but only using its built-in DAC;  so if I use my external Schiit DAC, I wonder if i would hear the difference.

The other thing I would like to do is access Internet radio.  I'm discovering that I enjoy connecting to Accuradio on my Sonos Port when I'm working from home.  I'm actually using an Ocean Digital Internet radio as my clock radio in my bedroom.  So it would be nice to also connect Internet radio to my good system, although I'm not sure yet whether I want to pay for services like Spotify, etc.  

If you were me, with this gear and these interests, what would be the most relevant differences between these options?

Thanks in advance!
Sorry, my bad.  By "ARC" I meant Audio Research Corp. I'm concerned that messing with the signal in such a fundamental way as room correction might be risky if the quality of the components or implementation is at a lower level than my other components (Audio Research LS27, SD135, Vandersteen Treo).
Would it make sense to try to connect the iPad to a USB cable, into the SHD?  Or perhaps connect my computer --- but I would need a 25 foot cable.  Does that work with USB?  This would just be for those Symphony concerts using the 'inplayer' platform, which only provides access through a web browser.
I have the Anthem 1140 and considering the Node 2i or the Cambridge CNX v2. I need some help making my decision. And how to connect the 1140

Thank you
No one seems to be able to answer this question. New node vs cxn v2. What is the difference sonically speaking ONLY? 
I think node is just that good or CXN v2 may just slightly be better because of 2 Wolfson dacs