Garth Powell on Why Audioquest does not make AC Regenerators

Interesting interview from a couple weeks ago with Garth Powell of Audioquest who seriously decries the use of AC regenerators with a detailed argument. I’m not qualified to affirm or rebut that argument, but since people debate "conditioners vs. regenerators" here, I’m passing it along for your inspection.

Notice that he doesn't mention ps audio and that ps audio defends its regenerators (as exempt from Garth's critique) in the comments. Not sure how many other regenerators out there beyond ps audio. 
@tvad, $1K for a 7 outlet power strip is pretty steep. I got a real nice 10 outlet one for $54.00, with yellow outlets no less. Very cool.

Very cool indeed. I have read your comments over the past couple of years. You appear to have a very nice, carefully assembled system. Congratulations.

I have been an Audiogon member since 2003. I generally try to be helpful. I try only to mention and discuss gear I own, or that I have auditioned. I have good ears. My early professional career was partly built upon my listening skills and hearing acuity.

This site was once robust with useful discussion about audio from dozens of active audiophiles. Members shared experiences, and yes, sometimes discussions became contentious, but there was seldom the level of nastiness that exists on this site today. Most of those members have long stopped participating.

I spent nearly two months in early 2020 deleting every comment I ever made over 17 years: 10,000+ comments and 84 threads. I decided I wanted to wipe my Audiogon history clean. Yet, here I am. Participating. Trying to find some value in the forum content. There is some.

It’s hard to generate enthusiasm to continue contributing when I read certain comments. Yours is a perfect example.


hang in there with us who try to keep this forum alive with its intended purpose

it is so unfortunate that it seems to be in fashion to be ugly, crass, rude, ignorant and mean in online discourse
Don't think something not making sense has stopped Audioquest before. Just sour grapes that didn't see the market. Anyone want to take a side bet on them making one in the future?
snratio"Don’t think something not making sense has stopped Audioquest before. Just sour grapes that didn’t see the market. Anyone want to take a side bet on them making one in the future?"

How much would you like to wager let’s make it worthwhile and in USD.