Decware zen vs mc30/mc60 how do these compare?

I don’t have a way to hear these. Can anyone with experience describe their differences in sound? I plan on purchasing one of these three but I can’t hear them beforehand.

I have a McIntosh C2500 preamp and Forte III speakers. 
Hope he is still ok.. Keep looking. He is a true red sock green sock guy guy when it comes to Mcintosh, heck any gear he is a pretty sharp cookie. Man can he talk though.. BUT just a wealth of knowledge. He also teaches an automotive course at a private school. Saginaw Michigan.

LOL He’ll tell you the Madonna story, oh yea... Townies...

I remember, 68Cougar was his name, I think..

Mike Samra is on Facebook and (just looked) he posted a week, or so, ago.

Wondered how he was doing as well.

I hear what you guys are saying but can someone give me a link to a page I can contact him?  When I google his name, all I see are very satisfied people who are using his upgraded equipment but no way to actually contact him.  
He will build the amps, he won’t have them. BUT he usually knows if one of his amps or preamps is for sale.. I have a pair of 60s that I picked up 24k gold plated cases for. I haven’t done them up but that is an option too. Just top notch plating.. and polishing.. The amps need going through. If I remember they have rectifier tubes and a choke.. I can’t remember.. Maybe 10-15 pairs I knew of.. Not a lot of them..

They are studded cases too, EASY to move parts over and do a very nice job.. Labor of love but truly just a few out there..

I also have 225, 240s, 275(63). Never touched.. 8.9 - 9.5
Personally I’d be looking there. MC240, when they are done up, mercy very hard to beat..

He is a talker BUT never loses his cool.. :-)

YOU better be patient too... Really.. It takes a while to get the best.. No kidding...
