what system musicians prefer? Do they care?

I have never aspired to be a musician, although I am very artistic.  I am bad at singing and never enjoyed dabbling at playing an instrument. But I enjoy listening to music tremendously and I always wondered if being a musician would improve my experience as a listener. It seems to me that musicians (good ones) would have a lot more expertise in sound, what is good quality sound, a good system, a high fidelity speaker.... but I have never seen any proof. Am I just imagining it? Are good musicians mediocre listeners? Are they not obsessed with good sound? Any musicians out there to comment?
One example I know is the  Cambridge Soundworks Mick Fleetwood Speaker System, which I finally purchased last year, I knew my collection would not be complete without it. It's evidence of great talents crossing paths: a  genious speaker designer Henry Kloss, and Mick Fleetwood, one of the greatest drummers of the century (and  the previous one). But I don't see musicians weighing in on what are good systems are, how much is it worth spending and what to focus on. It's much more like rich douchebags bragging about the price of their systems on these forums. 
gano  Do those Mick Fleetwood speakers adequately reproduce the horribly nasal sounds from Stevie Nicks' voice?
I know Herbie Hancock and Keith Richards love Tetra speakers.
I landed on a used pair myself that I could afford.

@rscoates Someone mentioned them before and I like them a lot, based on what I read. Very cool company
I've have met and /or have been friends with many musicians over the years.
Folks from Indie bands such as, Ditch Croaker , Wall of Voodoo and Fountains of Wayne to Phil Lesh of the Dead and Phillip Glass.
My oldest niece used to baby sit for Tony Visconti, you get the idea.

Few of them had anything remarkable at home in the way of playback...

I think when you "Make Music" you don't really spend that much time or money on re-producing music.
That said, Brian Eno told me that "Non musicians are great listeners"
So ,for people like me, I spend money on gear that will give me goose bumps because I can't play anything that will give me goose bumps.