Teres Audio motor help!

So... I am trying to unmothball my turntable. Teres model 245 w/ older motor with battery power. In the process, have discovered that the speed control is haywire. Powering up results in extreme speeds and never “settles down” Don’t know if the sensor is bad, chip malfunction, or just time to get a new drive. Problem is I can’t get in touch with Chris Brady, who is the Teres guy. I think I have the correct email, but no response. Anybody out there in Audiogon land able to help? With contacting Chris, repairing the motor, or recommending a suitable replacement? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Lewm  I am pretty sure that redpoint and galiber never used Teres motor controllers.  I was at Peter's house when redpoint 1st started.  He was  changing the speed with a knob.  Can not remember if they where using Maxon motors or not.  

For the OP.  Get on the web and search down Teres literature.   There was  some trouble  shooting information there.  I would make sure that the battery  was fully charged  and Belt/tape/string adjusted properly.   Also I think there is a schematic  of the German DC controller  on the web.  Not sure how much help that would be but if it had values on it, it could help in trouble shooting. 

Enjoy the ride

I think Millercarbon had some of the belt controllers  before his rim drive.  Maybe he will chime in.
Sorry, I thought that the Redpoint, Teres, and Galibier turntables had a common origin, from a group of guys in Colorado and vicinity who started out to build their own turntables and ended up in separate businesses.  Push come to shove, Thom Mackris at least is still in business, and his motors and controllers ought to work fine with a Teres.  Beyond that, Thom is a kind and generous person who might be able to help with a Teres, or not.
Thanks, Tom. I am going to let this play out a little and see if I can pick up a contact for Chris or advice for a replacement. This is very frustrating. It all started when a housekeeper got a little overzealous with a duster and decapitated my vintage Grado The Statement cartridge...After a pandemic delay I decided on a Hana ML as a replacement and it has finally arrived, is installed, dialed in, and ready for a listen and now this...
Your suggestion is appreciated, leek! I’ll reach out to him. Meanwhile, any response is appreciated.