Amp for Vandersteen 5A Carbons

Getting ready to, very possibly, make a deal for a pair of these Vandy's. Wondering if my amp will do. It is more than fine with my current speakers, some older Infinity's with powered side-firing subwoofers, but those speakers have a sensitivity of 96 dB. The Vandersteen's is 87 dB.

My amp is an Audio Research VT100. 100 watts/channel.
In terms of power, you ought to be fine given that you are not driven low frequencies.  Tonally, you might find that you want something a bit more forward though.  Obviously you can't be certain of that till you get them in the room.  Very much depends on room damping, etc...
I have a pair of Vandersteen Quatros and run them with a Pass Labs Aleph 3 and have plenty of headroom. If my little 30 watt high current class A amp has no issues, your 100 watt tube amp should be just fine. 
I ran a set of Quatros with a 60 Watt (into 8 Ohms) Ayre Ax-7e (Ayre installed crossover) with no issues whatsoever. In a small to medium room it was really nice. You should be set.