SAEC WE 506/30 incoming. Anybody here with any experience with this arm?

I simply couldn`t let this arm pass me by, it is simply gorgeous. Has anybody here tried it out? 
I have read a bit about its weird geometry, but I have tried out a SAEC WE 308 L 10.5" and it sounded quite good as long as the overhang was right. 
So...Can anybody here direct me to any reviews og contribute with any personal experiences?
Raul knows a lot about SAEC tonearms.  Maybe he will chime in. Or search posts by Raul on SAEC.
tkr, You got me interested in this topic.  I don't know why; I am pretty much sated when it comes to tonearms, and the SAEC tonearms would not be on my menu, even if I were in the market.  Anyway, if you search on "SAEC 506/30" here on the Analog Forum, you will find quite a bit of discussion going back more than 10 years, mostly of other SAEC tonearms, but there is a little info and comment on the 506/30. Here is one lead that may tell you something about alignment.  Many comments noted that the OEM ceramic headshell is a negative and should be replaced. One person mentioned using a CF headshell instead, but any headshell not make of ceramic should be an upgrade.  Good luck.

Thank you very much, very interesting!

I have no intention of trying to calculate an other alignment for the 506 as Dertonarm has, but it`s good to know. 
Vinyl Engine, however, does have a calculator showing offset angle and overhang for the different geometries, including SAEC`s own, on the 506. A good starting point, I believe.. 
I have several headshells lying around, so the ceramic headshell is/was not an option.
I guess that the best way is simply to try the arm out. Thanks again for your help.

Short update:
Everything takes time, but the SAEC 506/30 has now arrived and is mounted. A very good arm IMO, although I have no experience with other 12" arms. 
Re. Geometry: Stevenson alignment comes almost naturally to this arm, with an infinitesimal angling of the pickup in the headshell.