SAEC WE 506/30 incoming. Anybody here with any experience with this arm?

I simply couldn`t let this arm pass me by, it is simply gorgeous. Has anybody here tried it out? 
I have read a bit about its weird geometry, but I have tried out a SAEC WE 308 L 10.5" and it sounded quite good as long as the overhang was right. 
So...Can anybody here direct me to any reviews og contribute with any personal experiences?

Showing 10 responses by tkr

Thank you. I have tried both VinylEngine and Vinyl Asylum without much luck.
I will try it out with SAEC`s own geometry first and take it from there.
I seem to remember that most older Japanese arms are happier with Stevenson. 
As I wrote, I have already tried out a SAEC 308 L, and I was unable to hear any distortion as long as the overhang was correct. 
I have several low compliance cartridges, and was planning to use the arm for those.


Thank you very much, very interesting!

I have no intention of trying to calculate an other alignment for the 506 as Dertonarm has, but it`s good to know. 
Vinyl Engine, however, does have a calculator showing offset angle and overhang for the different geometries, including SAEC`s own, on the 506. A good starting point, I believe.. 
I have several headshells lying around, so the ceramic headshell is/was not an option.
I guess that the best way is simply to try the arm out. Thanks again for your help.

Short update:
Everything takes time, but the SAEC 506/30 has now arrived and is mounted. A very good arm IMO, although I have no experience with other 12" arms. 
Re. Geometry: Stevenson alignment comes almost naturally to this arm, with an infinitesimal angling of the pickup in the headshell.  
I have tried out three different carts: FR Mc-1 Mk.iii, SoundSmith gold DL 103 R and Accuphase AC-1. The Accuphase has a bit higher compliance than the other two, and shouldn`t work that well in theory, but it sounded the best of the three.
Nice template! I use a Dr. Feickert alignment tool, and it works fine.

I have been in contact with Fonolab in Prague regarding an armlift- cum- armrest. They would be in contact with me as soon as they had it back in stock.

As for carts, I have several others which I am itching to try out, but I am very reluctant to do so before the armlift is in place. It is very interesting to hear about your experiences with higher compliance carts! 
A short update on the SAEC 506:

A really good arm, IMO, and built like a tank. It gives every cartridge I have tried on it a very "matter of fact" sound, but with a really formidable bass foundation. Right now I have mounted a Lyra Parnassus dct, and it really sings. Next cartridge up will be an old Kondo Audio Note Io ii.

As I wrote earlier, Stevenson geometry comes naturally to this arm, and all it takes is an infinitesimal twisting of the cartridge to achieve the right geometry.

My biggest problem is an almost total lack of any meaningful information about the arm. I have done extensive searches without finding any information about the effective mass of the 506. Does anybody out there know?

Dear @rauliruegas :
Thank you very much for your input. The 506/30 sounds quite good right now with a Kondo Audio Note Io ii and Stevenson alignment. It`s eleven PM here in Norway right now. I will try the Löfgren alignment tomorrow.

Regards tkr
Thank you for your input. I will try out other alignments than Stevenson, simply to see if I am missing something. The reason why it is so alluring to stay with Stevenson alignment, is that every cartridge I have used on my FR 64 S with Stevenson plops right in on the SAEC 506 in the right place. Only a matter of rotating the cartridge ever so slightly.

I may be a bit lazy.  

            Regards TKR