MSRP, diferentiation and the illusion of value

I've been an audiophile for a very long time.  I've gotten to listen to a wide variety of gear, and even participated in the creation and manufacture of some audio gear in my past.  Took college courses in audio engineering I was not prepared for, and read quite a bit from the usual audio rags.

I want to share something I think every audiophile should know, which is how manufacturers leverage the suggested retail price (MSRP) as well as product differentiation to create this illusion of value.

A lot of gear sounds different. Cables are good examples. You make a cable which sounds different to a perceptive ear.  It doesn't matter if it's better or worse, but just make it different, and raise the MSRP above other cables costing similar prices to manufacture. Throw on some connector jewelry and exotic fabric to dress them in and bam, your $1 to make cable just became $250.

My point is, too often audiophiles want to equate different sounding with better. If the MSRP is higher, well, that reinforces this idea that this difference must be going towards some illusory holy grail, floating above the tower of nuns. Another factor that benefits the seller is that we almost never ask ourselves how much this difference is worth.  Lets accept that these cables, or speakers or amps are different sounding, and that you have judged that difference as preferable to what you wanted to buy when you started. How many of us step back and ask "is this difference worth the $$$ being asked?" Will it make my life that much better, or am I just bejeweling my sensual pleasures every chance I get?

I'm not begrudging anyone the right to spend money how they please.  I do however think audiophiles who feel like they work hard for their money to stop and think about these natural forces when judging how they will spend it.
In academe, it’s titled behavioral economics — a longstanding group of disciplines. I suggest that most readers have reached your realization on their own. 
Why do some women buy teeny tiny little purses that are not very good value? Because they think they are pretty and like them. Fashion statement. Bling!   Same thing. Only with mostly men.  
There is an economic concept that may fit this post - inverse elasticity of demand. Put a 6.00 price tag on a bottle of wine and folks will think it is awful and not buy it. Put a 30.00 price tag on the exact same bottle of wine and suddenly folks are talking about the wine's lovely bouquet and well-integrated tannins, and they buy it. 
Ha! Very true and well said.

For many decades I made wine professionally. It’s very much the same in the wine biz. Every wine is at least somewhat different, but there is no objective or absolute standard of wine quality. (Defect, yes.) Since wine quality is almost entirely subjective, people, even professionals, often judge a wine’s "quality" based on price. Some inexpensive wines are very good, even some Two (now Three) Buck Chuck. (Now THERE’S a story!) It’s largely a matter of selling one’s story to the customers and embellishing it with a fancy or unique label or bottle, then convincing them that the wine’s difference somehow makes it special and uniquely desireable. Then, if the quantity is limited — this one barrel or this special vineyard — a talented vintner (vintner means "wine merchant," NOT winemaker...) can con an outrageous price out of a bamboozled consumer.Caveat emptor!
Great post in an interesting thread....

My system value is 500 bucks...

I did not bought anything called an "upgrade" because of this S.Q. /value ratio...

I decide to buy a vintage amplifier and very good vintage speakers and a bargain NOS dac...

Never look back and i have no interest to read review because they dont make me dream anymore...

When the piano is in your room 3-D it is enough....Thanks to mechanical,electrical and acoustical controls...

my speakers S.Q. listening choral music compare to a "tower of popes pleasuring each others without nuns tough"....Anyway i will not upgrade to buy the nuns....Because this addition will mute some popes.... And the resulting sound will not be necessarily better....Only different.....Great thread!....
"If the latter is not an issue (or one is willing to part with whatever for the sake of the two formers), then the entire fruit stand is open to peruse."

" speakers S.Q. listening choral music compare to a "tower of popes pleasuring each others"...."
First tower of nuns and then fruit stands and popes. This is a great thread, indeed,

More, please.