What happened to the "What do you consider Rap and Hip Hop masterpieces?" thread?

I’d consider myself a hip hop fanatic. Really curious what albums/artists people are fans of?

My desert island artist would be a tough choice between de la soul and a tribe called quest. And all their albums are masterpieces, but if I had to pick one I’d go with the low end theory.

Ok, I see now the problem: https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/why-were-291-responses-removed-about-rap?page=7

NOTE: I can't edit the title, but please let's just share music we love, and not get into other digressions.
Okay I will start.  It's almost like taboo.

Theweeknd,  when I listen I probably play a few songs over and over. 
Tones and I 

I need to look at my tidal list, but I have quite a few. Past year or 2 I've gotten into it.  

Some from the past
Salt and pepper 
Will Smith
Dr Dre
Lots of different artist.  
Recently found by mistake Tom McDonald, mature audience only.  I like his story and message.  
If I like the beat I listened, doesn't matter who it is. If it moves me, I'm all ears. 
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