Grado Signature Model 8 worth re-tip?

I have a couple of cartridges that I have had for many years that I never used and would like to send them for an inspection/re-tip if worthwhile?

One of them is a ’Joseph Grado Signature Model 8’

I have used SoundSmith before, but would like other suggestions for re-tippers.

Looking forward to reading your posts!

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrich121
Regarding stylus compatibility you can ask Grado direct.

Many of the LP Gear styli are NOT the originals, my advice is to stay away from their products if you don’t know exactly what you are buying.

Grago styli available from authorized Grado dealers, those are originals for sure.
LP Gear is an an authorized Grado dealer. I have bought replacements from them many times!
Really appreciate all the help and advice!

I got to looking around at some other carts I have collected but not tried over the years and would appreciate your thoughts about these 2:

Stanton 881S w/D81S II stylus
ADC XLM MK II Improved

LP Gear sells replacement stylus for both, the best of which are Shibita style.

Again, appreciate your posts!

Rick, forget about LP Gear when you’re looking for styli for vintage cartridges, their replacement is only a compromise (only if you can’t find the original, they are different).

My advice is to try your Stanton 881s mkII, it must be a great cartridge, if you’re so afraid send it for stylus inspection. Use the original if all is good. It;a a great cartridge, there are at least 3 better models from Stanton, but the 881s was Doug Sax’s monitoring cartridge at his mastering Lab.

Pickering styli are compatible with Stanton, I have genuine D4000 Stereohedron stylus in original box if needed.

I’m currently using Pickering XLZ/7500 and XSV/5000 on one of my tonearms.

ADC XLM is garbage in my opinion, sorry.


I appreciate your advice.  I didn't know anything about LP Gear, just read that some people were getting replacement stylus there, thank you for the heads up.
I will try to find something NOS for the 881S and will keep my eye out for the 981HZ this is one of the best Stantons, right?